What is the contact number to reach the Police about a non-emergency?

If you need to speak to the Niagara Regional Police regarding a non-emergency, please call (905) 688-4111. For all life threatening emergencies, medical emergencies, or in case of fire, dial 9-1-1.

I'm interested in one of your properties. How do I contact you about it?

If you are interested in one of our rental properties, please contact 905-321-1327 and provide us with your name, contact number, and property address/unit you are inquiring about. Alternatively, please email rentals@teammarandola.com with the same information as above. 

My power is out. What do I do?

If your power is out, please contact Hydro One for residences in Thorold, Ontario or Alectra Utilities for residences in St. Catharines, Ontario to report your outage. 

Hydro One:  1-800-434-1235

Alectra Utilities: 1-877-963-6900 (1)

I have a piece of furniture that I want to get rid of when I move out. How do I do this?

When you move out, please ensure that all your personal belongings are taken with you. This includes food, toiletries, clothing and furniture. If you would like to dispose of an item, please visit the Niagara Region website and their curbside pickup request form. This can be found at: https://www.niagararegion.ca/waste/collection/items/largeitems/request-form.aspx

You can also call the Niagara Region directly at 905-227-7771

From here, you can arrange for curbside pickup of your large item. Thank you for doing your part in ensuring your rental property is returned to Team Marandola in a clean and tidy manner.

How do I inform you of a repair needed at my property?

Please visit our website at www.teammarandola.com and select 'MAINTENANCE' along the top of our webpage. This will take you to our maintenance request area of our website. If it is a non-emergency (ie. a repair or maintenance concern, or even just a general question), please click 'NO' and then continue to complete your request via the electronic form. In the event of a fire or immediate threat, please call emergency services at 9-1-1. For other emergencies relating to your rental property, please contact our emergency line at 905-321-1327. 


How do I sign my lease agreement?

Team Marandola uses a web-based electronic document signing program called DocuSign to have all our tenants and/or their guarantors sign lease paperwork. This program allows you to sign the lease paperwork by using an electronic signature. It's very fast, secure, and allows multiple people to sign paperwork remotely in a matter of minutes!

How do I pay my rent?

Team Marandola operates on a pre-authorized debit system, meaning that on the 1st of each month, we automatically debit your bank account for rent. This is a fast, safe and reliable system for collecting rent from out tenants.